Web Design Inspiration

10 Inspiring Illustrative Websites

1. SandraVargas.com SandraVargas.com appears to be a Flash based website. The site excels as an example of  illustrated design. There is a “wow” factor on the main page where they’ve used a simple slideshow to display a themed portion of her portfolio with a wide range of color, using large impactful images. Eye catching illustrations, from […]

Ten Creative Web Site Designs

http://cyclemon.com/ This bike shop’s website is cool because it creatively cycles through the bike selection as you scroll. As one bike enters the line of a new background a new bike appears instantly with a new title and scene.  This is a great way to scroll through bikes while still being able to navigate using […]

10 inspirational photography based sites!

https://www.airbnb.com/ Airbnb is a website that allows you to rent a rooms from people around the area you are planning to travel to. These rooms are usually cheaper and a lot nicer than the standard hotel. The site relies on beautiful photography to encourage renters to upload their own professional-looking photos of their available rooms. […]

Ten Creative Web Site Designs

https://historyoficons.com/   This site explains the history of computer icons on a timeline. It is cool because it keeps it entertaining by showing the info as animations as the user scrolls.  I also really love the color palette used here. http://andrevv.com/ This portfolio site is great because it sparks interest in the user by letting […]

10 Great Samples of Creative Minimalist Websites

Uncharted Waters http://uncharted.sunbrella.com This website is an excellent example of minimalism in web design. I particularly liked the clever use of video throughout the site. It adds a lot of visual information and interest to the site while maintaining a very streamlined and uncluttered page. The site is easy to navigate and very effectively uses […]

10 User Interactive Website Designs

1) SCROLL FOR YOUR HEALTH       –        http://shibui.me/web/scroll/index.html#orange While not quite as USER interactive as some on my list the design and flow of this particular parallax site stood out and was honestly my favorite.  The pages are designated, as usual, with a simple, user-friendly, easy to use navigation menu.  However, much to my delight, all […]

10 Great Examples of Dynamic Web Design

STAR WARS The Star Wars website has great contrast between the dark grey and brighter colors such as white and also yellow. It uses fluid layout in a way as to allow the user to still have easy access to all of the content. The site doesn’t start to really change until it takes up […]

Websites Using Excellent Animation

Animation on the web is beautiful and enticing. It makes sites stand out. Here are some amazing examples of very well executed design and animation – from JavaScript to HTML5. You’ll need to visit the sites to actually get a sense of how they work. It’s more fun than my explanations anyhow. Happy Forecast This […]

10 Exceptional Sites using Nature Themed Web Design

http://reisvoyage.com.au/ This African Safari website cleverly uses a nature theme by displaying different close-ups of animal skins in the header. It has a nice organic logo as well. http://www.k4lab.info/eng/ This website has a more creative look to it. I like how the design at the top is animated. The art is well done and draws […]

10 Creative Websites That Use Parallax Scrolling

Killing Kennedy Killing Kennedy is an informational website by National Geographic. This website combines an array of graphics, text, and sound to recollect the history between John F. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald. As the viewer scrolls down they can witness the history shared between both individuals and what led to their demise. These effects […]

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