10 Great Samples of Illustrative Web Design
Student Guest Post Author Info
Student Bio: Jessie Mangum
Student Website: Website
Student Bio: I am a graphic arts student at Salt Lake Community College. I am trying to learn everything I can about the different adobe programs so I can succeed in my chosen career path which is web design.
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https://www.canvasunited.com – I really like how this site is fully animated. Going from one page to another is animated, and the background is animated as well.

http://truthlabs.com – I really like the animation between pages. The website kind of “slides” between pages.

https://district0x.io – This is a more simple animation where just the background is animated so there is not so much going on.

http://globekit.co – This is also a more simple website. The globe jumps every once in a while to give the site a fun feel.

http://eslglobal-edu.com/en – This has a fun feeling animation that gives it a kind of a childish feel

http://godofwar.playstation.com – This had a fun loading animation and after that the screen moves with your mouse. It gives it that bit of a 3D feel.

https://beinternetawesome.withgoogle.com/interland – This is a fun animation like you’re flying through the clouds to these cities.