10 Exceptional Sites using Creative Web Design!
Student Guest Post Author Info
Student Bio: Breann B
Student Website: Website
Student Bio: Salt Lake Community College
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www.behance.net is an amazing website for Graphic Artist. It is full of attention grabbing and inspirational design for any kind of art lover. Everything on the website is quick and easy to access and comes with millions of different posts for anyone to share and explore. It also included Adobe portfolio for students and frequent Adobe Software users.

www.envatomarket.com is awesome for people to search and explore a variety of useful graphics for any kind of project. They have software to buy and download including products and procedures. They are also a community of different companies sharing the same love for graphic software. The colors and menu are pleasing to the eye and easy to locate.

www.fromupnorth.com is awesome for the outgoing mountain fanatic. This website has a large gallery for the mountain lovers and designers. Each one is different and products can be sold and bought by different artists. It is an eye catching and fun website. Definitely one to go to for inspiration and fun Photoshop ideas.

www.graphicdesignjunction.com is AMAZING! This website helped me out a ton during my few first years in College and recommended it to new students. They have tutorials and infographics for literally anything. They also provide lots of detailed information and links to other helpful sites. If you want some inspiration or want to gain a little more knowledge; I’d go here!

www.anthonycasto.com is a new site that I came upon thanks to Pinterest! This website can give you a bunch of different art avenues ranging from photography to product design. This is a great site for sharing with other artists and to even get your art out into the world. They have eye catching pictures and graphics and is always refreshing with new stuff weekly!

https://designschool.com is great for tutorial usage. So many different areas of art and software to choose from. They even have tutorials for things you would never have even thought of such as enhancing your resume! They have bright and vibrant colors that make it fun and inviting for anyone who is willing to learn or teach something new. They also come with products and a marketplace to enhance your art life with new software and Illustrations.

Creative Market is one of my favorites for a few reasons. First off, they have video tutorials for literally anything from cropping images to making a motion graphic. It can be very simplistic stuff to the most complex. They have options to share it via social media and artists sell their ideas and tutorials. It includes different actions to use for different software as well.

Dribble.com was new to me and I explored it a little more before posting it for the assignment but it seems to be like the other previous ones but with more visuals obviously. This website has a support group to help with any kind of project you could be working on which can be very beneficial. I think of this site as more of a sharing and tutorials website like the others and can be creative in its own way. I like the logo because it makes the name of the site have a theme. I think this site would be really beneficial for beginners and people learning new techniques and softwares.

Packagingoftheworld.com is a great place to go to get inspiration for packaging designs. I wish I knew about this site when I started College because I sure would have learned a lot from it! It comes with different categories ranging in all kinds of packaging needs. It includes a gallery and a shop to choose designs that would benefit your overall product. You can even create your masterpiece on here and have them make it for you! This is great for package design classes and graphic designers making company products.

weandthecolor.com is wonderful for logo designing. This site comes with tutorials and templates for the beginners and even for the advanced designer. The logo itself is eye catching and unique making their website more attractive. This is a good site for logo inspiration and ideas for any kind of company. I think the balance and overall design makes it easy to locate and navigate through the site itself.