10 Great Samples of Illustrative Web Design

Student Guest Post Author Info

Student Bio: Dianna Totland
Student Website: Website
Student Bio: Dianna's extra credit assignment for Web Animation class 2014.
Published Date:

10 animated websitesScreen Shot 2014-08-22 at 6.59.11 PM Screen Shot 2014-08-22 at 7.01.57 PM






This website is for the 2014 Sochi Olympics. Although I wasn’t the largest fan of the design and theme of the games, this site is truly crazy with tons of animation. Completely different from the above website. This site is busy and full of action. I enjoy how the share icon came out horizontally.

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I enjoy this layout of the website. The vertical scrolling effect with visuals is simple and yet interactive.

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This has got to be one of the cutest wedding countdown websites I have seen. Again, very simple, but with fun popups of guests comments and great icons.

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www.evoenergy.co.uk/ uk-energy-guide/
Here is a great infographic website giving loads of info on fuel in a fun way. I enjoy the way hovering over the links makes other animations move and numbers with facts pop up.

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They designed this site to look like little paper clip art. I enjoy the clean look and sleek design.

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I like Christmas, so this is a fun website showing how to create and design a

christmas tree. I am not sure how much of an actual purpose it has, its just festive.

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This is a great animated site (and a fun place to take the kids). The website is very well put together with fun popping animated features. scrolling over the chaotic city with a farm and construction area there are things that blow up larger and make sounds. Fun for the kids I can see that.

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This one is funny. Its a great portfolio or introduction to this guys Sams work. When scrolling down there are some great effects and angles that the clothes come into frame. Nice design and definitely one to remember.


http://www.bizbrain.org/ coffee/

I am really enjoying the fun ways to display info. This website has you scrolling down below, but wont allow you to just scroll through each level. It scrolls down, pauses but as you continue to scroll it has pop ups of more info on where coffee grows. Too cute and a great

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