10 Websites Using Exceptional Typography in Web Design

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Student Bio: Ben L.
Student Website: Website
Student Bio: Hello! My name is Ben. I am a graphic design student at SLCC and UVU. Thank you for looking at my post.
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1. http://www.entreprenörsgatan.se/

I don’t actually know the name of this company or what their service is, but they use animated typography on top of video. The text on the screen is eye-catching and leads your eyes across the page.

2. https://www.thefutur.com/

The Futur is a tutorials, demos, and critiques of a variety of graphic design skills. They cleverly use Futura as their company’s font to look sleek and tendy, as a play on words with “The Futur” and Futura, and they look to capture the idea that they are design and creating the design trends of the future. All uses of typography on their website are captivating and modern to match the style and culture of their company.


3. https://www.supremo.co.uk/typeterms/

This website is a reference for the typography terminology. Each hatch-marked section of the work “Terminology” is clickable and opens an animation where the typography draws itself further teach what each term means. It is engaging and creatively illustrates its teaching with typography.

4. http://weaintplastic.com/

We Ain’t Plasitc uses kinetic typography that draws itself as you stroll down the page mixed with a few text parallax effects. It is beautifully animated and makes the whole experience of visiting their website fun and memorable. This one is my personal favorite.

5. http://hipointedrivein.com/

Hi Pointed Drive In is a restaurant in Saint Louis, MO. I was surprised by how much fun it was to navigate their website. The typography is interactive, fun, and feels like the coolest menu I’ve seen. I want to hi-five the designer behind this website.

6. http://pind.univ-tours.fr/

Punk is Not Dead perfectly captures rebellious teenage angst with its use of animated punk rock typography. When you land on page, a punk rock song plays while magenta sound waves bounce inside the white text “Punk is Not Dead.”

7. https://www.kasradesign.com/

Kasra Design uses cohesive typography that ties into the grayscale images on their website. The images are captivating and are complemented by the contrast in text size.

8. http://zoomanity.land/en/

Zoomanity uses parallaxing typographic animations as you scroll. Whether it is beneficial to the site or not, I found myself playing with the scrolling more than reading the content on the page. The large san serif fonts are eye-catching and express the feeling of the trendy illustrations.

9. https://www.bolden.nl/

Bolden uses a clever use of transparent typography and animation to convey their message and service. If you hover over the blue or red bubble in the corner it will cover the screen hiding the color of the same text and the contrasting color appears as great. It is engaging, simple, and memorable. The bold san serif font is eye catching and modern.

10. https://www.ibm.com/plex/

This is IBM’s website telling the story of their custom typeface, IBM Plex. Animation outline the curves and lines of their type explaining their design process and explaining each branding choice they made. The type and the bold contrasting colors make this website engaging and enjoyable to navigate.

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