10 Exceptional Sites using White Space* in Web Design *

Student Guest Post Author Info

Student Bio: Anna M L-K
Student Website: Website
Student Bio: :)
Published Date:

*Most of them fits into the creative and portfolio websites as well.


A beautiful built website with a “scroll down function” which includes both graphics and

text. It got a cool effect that you “scroll through” the pictures, hard to explain, check it out

and you will understand! I really like the use of the white space, it makes it very clean.




I would say this website is the most “common” portfolio style I see from graphic

designers. Big colorful pictures to scroll down and info on the side. The white space

(grey) on the left side is a perfect element so I can focus on her art, it is cool that she got

some GIF’s in there as well.




A very creative website, I like how easy it is to get around and how the categories are on

the top. When you scroll around and hold the cursor over her work, it turns red. Very

beautiful website and a really cool way to use white space.




Very nice website/blog with a nice use of white space. He is using white, red and black

and it is a great contrast and easy to navigate around it. Very clean and simple with some

graphic elements in it.



WOW! How fun and retro is this? I remember my first “website”, it contained tons of

pixel GIF’s and terrible neon colors. I love this style, she is a web app developer and pixel

artist and this website works SO great. There is a lot of white space so you can focus on

her sick graphics.



A super simple website with text only. It works great. The headlines are a good contrast

to the text and is very easy to read with the white space around it. This would be boring

if it was some kind of art portfolio, but this works because it contains only texts (essays).




This website is using white space in a great way. I like how she displays her work in

smaller squares surrounded by white space (and when you click on the pictures you can

see the whole work and description, not just the cropped version).




Super simple website, I get a very retro feeling from the “typewritten” font and the white

space around it. Very clear and minimalistic as well – less is more, I really like his old

school style.





I was very confused when I opened this website for the first time. I didn’t realize that it

was my cursor that made those doodles on this website! Very creative way to use the

white space and background as a canvas!




This website is very creative in a minimalistic style. The logo header draws attention,

while the white space around it and the slideshow makes you focus on her projects. A

really smart design and something I can see myself use for my portfolio (you don’t have

to scroll around too much.

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