10 Awesome Creative Web Design Sites
Student Guest Post Author Info
Student Bio: Brian Christensen
Student Website: Website
Student Bio: I am a professional multi-disciplined designer and a keen learner with a great passion for the work I do. I enjoy the opportunity to be a part of exciting, unique, sometimes strange projects, and to meet and work with amazing people.
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This is an Awesome Creative Web Design Site for a European Italian Restaurant. Very nice design, great use of color, easy navigation using flash elements. It is unique, colorful, fun and practical.
This is an Awesome Creative Web Design Site for the personal portfolio of Deidre “Deda” Bain. It is a one page scrolling site, using a mix of typography, illustrations, infographics, and flash elements. Great color scheme, and well balanced layout.
This is an Awesome Creative Web Design Site for the personal portfolio of Daniel Martin. It is a one page scrolling site. Sleek, simple design. Enlarged type for readability, and enlarged preview images with links to full page previews of work.
This is an Awesome Creative Web Design Site about protecting your passwords, photos, contacts and other sensitive stuff on your iPhone® or iPod touch®. There is a short animated movie clip, and the site itself is a one page animated scrolling storyboard, with information links on either side near the bottom of the page.
This is an Awesome Creative Web Design Site of Nicola Cozzolino, Freelance Art Director, Graphic/Web Designer, Illustrator. This is a one page scrolling website. Very unique as there is little code used. It is an attempt to show a great website design using only images, illustrations, and typography.
This is an Awesome Creative Web Design Site for a Logo Design Company. The site is a horizontal slide show, with detailed logo design information. Great layout, very functional and easy to navigate. Well thought out concept and design.
This is an Awesome Creative Web Design Site of Jessica Caldwell, Interaction Designer. The homepage is a bare diamond grid design, that when hovering over, produces interactive links to the designer’s work, introduction to the designer, blog etc. The grid is filled with a picture on all linked pages.
This is an Awesome Creative Web Design Site for Ultranoir, a Website Development Agency. It is interactive, and uses a lot of motion design and flash. Very nice design and layout. Showcases the agencies website design talents well.
This is an Awesome Creative Web Design Site for a Digital Creative Agency in London. It has a retro “feel” to it, is easy to navigate, and nice cohesive design. It presents a lot of information and links, but is done without overwhelming the user.
This is an Awesome Creative Web Design Site for the Tom, Dick & Harry Ad Agency in Chicago. Very simple, clean design. Large navigation bar, flash based project preview on homepage. Easy to navigate. Very creative department page that lists services/skills of each department, and includes custom logos for each department.